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Diabetic Eye Care

Diabetic Eye Care services offered in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY

Diabetic Eye Care services offered in the greater Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY area

Many people with diabetes experience eye problems due to nerve damage. For example, more than 26% of Americans with diabetes have diabetic retinopathy. Good diabetic eye care can prevent and stop the progression of diabetic eye disease, and that’s what Elias Aliprandis, MD, and Irene Rusu, MD, provide at Ophthalmology Associates of Bay Ridge. Call the Bay Ridge or Sheepshead Bay office in Brooklyn, New York, or book an appointment online today.

Diabetic Eye Care Q & A

What is diabetic eye care?

Diabetes is a leading cause of vision loss today. Diabetic eye care involves the detection and treatment of blood vessel damage and other issues caused by diabetes. 

The diabetic eye care specialists at Ophthalmology Associates of Bay Ridge provide expert care in the office, from early detection of eye disease to diagnosis and advanced treatments.  

How does diabetic eye care work?

Diabetic eye care covers all the eye care that people with diabetes need. 

Diabetic eye exams
Diabetic eye care starts with routine eye exams. They’re similar to regular comprehensive eye exams but focus heavily on the retina (the light-sensing tissue in the back of the eye) and its blood vessels. This part of your eye is the most common source of diabetic eye disease. 

Diagnosis of diabetic eye disease
The most common diabetic eye disease is diabetic retinopathy, which causes blood vessel damage in the retinas. As the disease progresses, it can lead to blood vessel swelling, leaking, and profound vision loss if untreated.

Macular degeneration is another diabetic eye disease complication. It occurs when the part of the retina that controls central vision (the macula) swells. In addition, people with diabetes have a higher risk of cataracts and glaucoma. 

Diabetic eye care screens for and detects all of these issues early. The team uses state-of-the-art technology like optical coherence tomography (OCT) and digital fluorescein angiography to identify diabetic eye disease and determine its severity. 

Treatment of diabetic eye disease
Treatment helps stop blood vessel leakage and swelling to prevent the progression of diabetic eye disease. The team performs leading-edge laser treatments for diabetic retinopathy in the office, including focal and panretinal photocoagulation. These treatments can prevent vision loss from diabetic retinopathy.

The office also offers injections of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors, like Lucentis®, Eylea®, and Avastin®, in the office. The injections reduce macular swelling and can significantly improve vision.

How often do I need diabetic eye care?

The Ophthalmology Associates of Bay Ridge team recommends a diabetic eye care plan for your personal needs. Most people with diabetes should have diabetic eye exams annually, with additional appointments if they develop new issues like blurry vision or vision loss. 

Call Ophthalmology Associates of Bay Ridge to book your diabetic eye exam with Brooklyn’s top diabetic eye care experts, or click the online scheduler now.  

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